5 Tips to Transition into Winter Decor

If you’re not quite ready to take down your Christmas décor and still want to keep that holiday spirit around the home a while longer, we’ve got the perfect way to help you transition your decor into the New Year without looking like you’re still living in Santa’s Village.


How to Style a Sideboard


A good sideboard is more than just a storage solution – it provides an opportunity to showcase your style and the things you love including beautiful décor, personal collections, books, art, and so much more. In today’s post we’ll go over what you can include when styling your sideboard to begin transforming your space into a seamlessly curated design.


5 Tips for Decorating a Small Dining Room


If you have a small dining room in your home like we do, you may have found it is a little challenging to create a space that’s nice to eat in while feeling clean, uncluttered, and thoughtfully curated. So I’ve come up with my 5 top tips that anyone can use to help make the most of your space without overwhelming it. (more…)

AD’s Top 8 Decor Trends

ARCTICdeco.com: Decor Trends

In the spirit of the new year and our predilection for yearly foreshadowing of things to come, I’ve compiled a list of circumpolar design trends I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more of in the new year.
